Knights Landing Sportsmen's Club, Inc.
knightslandingsportsmensclub@gmail.com | Check us out on Facebook!

Welcome to the Knights Landing Sportsmen's club website!
We are a nonprofit organization that provides hunting, fishing and rifle marksmanship opportunities in Northern California. Please join us the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm to see what the club has to offer! Meetings are held at our clubhouse located at 9270 Railroad St. Knights Landing, CA 95645. Next meeting is November 7th 2023!
The 2023 Pheasant season is from November 11th to December 24th. We follow the general California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) pheasant season hunting regulations. Please visit https://wildlife.ca.gov/Hunting/Upland-Game-Birds for current seasons and limits.
Club Announcements
Please follow us on FACEBOOK for announcements throughout the season!
2023 Membership packets will be mailed starting Oct. 26th 2023! You will receive a confirmation email once your packet is mailed. Thank you!!
2023 Membership applications have been sent out via email. To join please fill out and submit a membership application with payment. At this time we are only accepting cash, check or money order. To pay by cash please attend one of our monthly membership meetings. Membership forms can be found under Membership Application.